What's Happening at Trinity?
We are meeting to seek God for Revival. Personal Revival, Corporate Revival, National Revival, and Global Revival. Much has been laid on the alter this week and we will continue to follow God's lead on this. We don't have a set schedule. We are tuning in to God's voice to make sure we are making space in our lives for His plan. We will post updates here as much as we can. Feel free to follow our story here, on Facebook, or by participating in our prayer events.
Staying Connected
Our plan is to mind God.
This means we may not always know what the next step is right away. However, the best way to keep up is to connect with us here or on social media. See links below to stay up to date. Sometimes we will have live online social media events and sometimes we may not. Trust that we are following where God is leading us and check back often for how to be involved.
Pray. Mind God.