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Pastor Ricky D. Cope

Dr Rick Cope

Pastor Ricky D. Cope was brought up in a Pastor’s home and is a graduate of Indian Land High School in Indian Land, SC. At the age of nine he developed a love for music from his mother, and by the age of 22 his love for music expanded into writing his own music and lyrics. Pastor Cope has written over 100 gospel songs and has recorded several CDs.

Pastor Cope held a 20-year career in plumbing prior to entering into the ministry. In 2003, at the age of 36 Pastor Cope surrendered to the call to preach, and served in evangelism for three years. During this time, Pastor Cope preached in several areas of ministry, including churches, tent revivals, military bases, prisons, juvenile detention facilities, retirement facilities, and to thousands of our nation’s youth. God was with him as hundreds were saved through his message “Ten-Foot Tall and Bulletproof” and his life story “My Friend, Grace.” Pastor Cope is also an active, vocal and contributive force for the pro-life movement; he has spoken on numerous occasions to fight for the sanctity of life using the song he wrote, “Rescued”.

In 2004, Pastor Cope received the US Army Medal of Excellence for his music, which honored our US Military. In 2005, he received the Minuteman Award by the US National Guard for his work in encouraging the families of our soldiers during “Operation Iraqi Freedom.” He has been recognized by the White House under President George W. Bush and the Arlington National Cemetery Committee in Washington D.C. for the music that has touched the lives of countless soldiers fighting for, and giving the ultimate sacrifice for, our nation’s freedom.

On April 9, 2006, Pastor Cope was ordained into the ministry by Trinity Baptist Church of Asheville, NC, under the leadership of Dr. Ralph Sexton, Jr. Pastor Cope is now the founding Pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in Indian Land, SC.

In 2009, Pastor Cope was invited by the State of South Carolina Board of Corrections to hold the historical first tent crusade on the prison grounds of the Catawba Pre-Release Correctional Facility in Rock Hill, SC.

On June 30, 2013, Pastor Cope earned Doctorate of Divinity. That same year, Pastor Cope was invited to preach his first historical evangelistic crusade in El Salvador, and was presented The Key to the City by Mayor Carlos Gomez. ​

In 2016, 2017 & 2018, Pastor Cope traveled to Israel with Dr. Ralph Sexton Ministries as a Pastor, teacher and co-host. Also, in 2018 Pastor Cope was invited to study in South Korea by Dr. Billy Kim of the Far East Broadcasting Company (FEBC).

​Pastor Cope has founded the following Church Ministries and Institutions:

  • “10-Foot Tall and Bulletproof” Youth Ministries 2003

  • “Rescued” Pro Life Ministries 2003

  • Home Safe Military Ministries 2003

  • Trinity Baptist Church 2006

  • Freedom Prison Ministries 2006

    • Kershaw Correctional Weekly Ministry (2023)​

  • Trinity Hispanic Church 2012

  • G. R.O.W. Church Leadership Ministries 2012

  • Vision Evangelistic Ministries 2013

  • Trinity Bible Institute established 2011

    • Trinity Bible Institute (Statesville, NC satellite location) 2019

    • Trinity Bible Institute Online 2020

    • Trinity Bible Institute (Hudson, NC and Monroe, NC satellite locations) 2020

    • Trinity Bible Institute (Shelby, NC) 2022

    • Trinity Bible Institute (Hayesville, NC) 2023

    • Trinity Bible Institute "Beyond Bars" Prison Ministry 2023

  • Teaching in Israel

    • Pastor Cope regularly travels to Israel with Dr. Ralph Sexton on custom curated teaching trips to the Holy Land.​


His life’s purpose is to reach the world with the message that “Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.” That through Christ there is HOPE for the hopeless, there is HELP for those who cannot help themselves, and there is a HOME in heaven for all who surrender their lives to Him.


Pastor Cope is married to the love of his life, Robin; they have two married daughters and 7 amazing grandchildren.

Dr Rick Cope Preaching
Dr Rick Cope
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  • Trinity Baptist Church Indian Land

Trinity Baptist Church of Indian Land, SC

1519 Steel Hill Rd, Lancaster, SC  29720

PO BOX 59 Van Wyck, SC 29744

Church Office:  803-313-9357 


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