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Welcome to Mid-Week Mania
Now recruiting kids ages 5-12 for the International Spy Academy. Now kids can
Train to be a special agent for the one true God.
Training is held on Wednesday evenings from 7:00p - 8:30p.
If you have what it takes, meet us there.
Where: Trinity Baptist Church of Indian Land, SC
1519 Steel Hill Rd, Lancaster SC 29720
When: Wednesdays, 7:00p - 8:30p 6:30-7 is social time.
Who: All kids aged 5 - 12 are welcome to join
Cost: FREE!
No need to pre-register. Parent/Guardian required to bring child and register them on first visit. Each time your child comes, they will check in and only be released to a person who is authorized to pick them up.

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