Our Mission Statement

Trinity, acting as one body with many parts, reaches the lost, educates and edifies the saints, encourages the weak, and honors Jesus Christ until his return. We work for the Salvation of the lost, Preparation of the saved, and Exaltation of the Gospel of Christ.
Our Core Values
The Bible is the living Word of God and is our instruction manual for everything we do.
This means: Knowing who the boss is.
We Go without limits.
This means: Boldly proclaiming the gospel of Christ, no matter the cost.
We provide higher education, with excellence, to equip the saints of Jesus to carry out His great commission.
This means: Helping Christians KNOW Him deeply and equipping them to GO without limits.
We give of our time, talents, and treasures as unto the Lord. We give our first fruits, our very best to His service.
This means: Being excellent with everything we do as unto the Lord.
We embrace that we are one unit in many parts.
This means: We are red, yellow, black, and white, yet all precious in His sight. And we act as one body within our God given gifts to further the kingdom of Christ.
We love others over self.
This means: We must decrease, so He can increase.